Survey Media Release Hits the Ground Running
Within days of its February 22 release, you could read “A New Poll from ASHI Reports More Than 70 Percent of Homeowners Agree Their Home Inspection Helped Them Avoid Potential Problems” on 321 websites.
The 321 postings included online coverage from newspaper dailies, television and radio stations and industry sites. Online postings are especially valuable because links are included in the release, allowing readers to visit ASHI’s home page, Find An Inspector, Homebuyers and Sellers page, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and more points of interest on the ASHI site.
To download a PDF of the 321 web addresses where the press release appeared, click here.
ASHI’s public relations representatives created the message based on results from the recent Harris survey, distributed it on the Business Wire and used Burrelles, BusinessWire, Google, Yahoo! and Factiva searches to track it.
Because of media interest in data, we anticipate it will generate calls from reporters looking for additional information and pieces of it will continue to be picked up throughout the year.
April is Home Inspection Month
Building on the buzz, ASHI is promoting April as National Home Inspection Month by introducing the public and the industry to new ancillary standards for inspecting pools and spas and at the predrywall stage of construction.
All press releases are available on the ASHI website. The Media and Advertising link is at the bottom of the home page. Members are encouraged to post press releases on their websites and distribute them locally. ASHI has taken the lead in developing inspection standards, and only members have access to the new ones. This, along with ASHI having the only third-party-recognized certification program, gives you reason to promote yourself with pride.
For additional information on how to promote yourself, see the articles on Google Place pages and Online Marketing.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
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